Leaving Cert Italian Notes

Italian conjugation examples
parlare to = speak
scrivere = to write
dormire = to sleep
finire to = finish
cantare to= sing
vedere = to see
partire to = leave
colpire to = hit
lavorare to = work
vendere to = sell
aprire to = open
costruire to = build
amare to = love
vivere to = live
servire to = serve
sparire to = disappear

Verb features
The features of the verbs are:
The Person: (indicates the subject that does the action)
The persons in Italian are io, tu, lui (masculine), lei (feminine), noi, voi, loro (masculine and feminine).
The Manner: (indicates how the action happens) In Italian there are seven manners or moods with different forms and functions: indicativo (indicative), congiuntivo (subjunctive), condizionale (conditional),imperativo (imperative), infinito (infinitive), gerundio (gerund), participio (participle).
The Time: (indicates when the action happens)
In Italian there are many different times: all the seven manners of the verb have different times.The times can be simple (only one word) or compound (two or more words).
The Form: (indicates the kind of action)
In Italian the form can be active transitive, active intransitive, reflexive and passive.
(*) There are few verbs of the -ire conjugation in Italian that have different suffix.